MTW - Cheraw Supplement Narrative
The following items are activities and/or proposed short-term and long-term goals of the Housing Authority of Cheraw to further the MTW statutory objectives during the Fiscal Year of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023:
Cost Effectiveness
- Streamline Utility Allowance - Standard utility allowance for PH and HCV.
- Reallocation of voucher unit structure to increase Lease-Up.
- New Landlord Incentive to participate in the HCV program.
- Incentives for Working families with 1 year of continued full-time employment (no break over 2 weeks).
- Incentives for PH and HCV Elderly/Disabled residents and participants.
- Partnerships with SC Works Job Fairs.
- GED Assistance.
- Youth Activities (After-school activities, youth council, special needs program, college fees, Wi-Fi for virtual students, etc.).
Housing Choice
- PH residents with a 5-year term of good standing will have the option to receive a voucher.
- Assist with Security deposits for PH and HCV applicants.
- Explore housing choices that include tax credits and RAD.