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Become a Prospective Landlord/Owners with the Housing Choice Voucher Program

Thank you for your interest in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Prospective Landlords/Owners will be required to attend at least one Owner Briefing in order to participate in our Housing Choice Voucher Program. Contact Tammy Mack-Edge at 843-669-4163 extension 3060 to sign up.

The Housing Choice Voucher Program is a rental assistance program designed to provide subsidy in the private rental market. The Authority's selection of a family to participate in the voucher program is not in any way an endorsement of tenancy nor a prediction of positive family behavior. Owners are encouraged to screen families on the basis of their tenancy histories and to inquire about factors such as:

  • Payment of rent and utility bills
  • Caring for a unit and premises
  • Respecting the rights of others to the peaceful enjoyment of their housing. 
  • Drug-related criminal activity or other criminal activity that is a threat to the life, safety, or property of others.
  • Compliance with other essential conditions of tenancy.

Once you have completed the owner briefing, you will need to list your available unit. 

View Landlord Briefing Video here.

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